Election Cycle 2016 – East Londonderry

At the start of April 2016 the President of Cycling UK (and Channel 4 News presenter) Jon Snow contacted all Northern Ireland Assembly Election candidates to ask for their support in three simple policy asks around cycling investment, building a greenway network and delivering an Active Travel Act.


The responses received so far from candidates standing in East Londonderry are listed below. You can also click on each name to contact your local candidates through Twitter or Facebook to ask them to respond if they haven’t already. (Social media contact details are not available for some candidates.)

Name Party Investment Greenways Legislation
Caoimhe Archibald Sinn Féin YES YES YES
Comments: “I am fully supportive of the bicycle strategy and believe there is great benefits to be had in terms of promoting a healthy, active lifestyle; reducing reliance on cars for shorter journeys; and also in terms of using Greenways for tourism.”
Jordan Armstrong TUV ? ? ?
Yvonne Boyle Alliance YES YES YES
Comments:  “Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the promotion of cycling.Alliance has been a vocal advocate of promoting cycling and believe that there are considerable environmental and health benefits to enabling people to undertake short journeys by bike.

“Chris Lyttle MLA has been particularly active as Chair of the All Party Assembly Group on  Cycling in taking our concerns forward. In addition,  there are enthusiastic cyclers and  supporters of Sustrans NI in our local Causeway Alliance Association.

“As someone who worked in the Health Service for 30 years, I am committed to a holistic approach to health promotion which includes appropriate and regular exercise.

“Alliance MLAs will therefore support the implementation of the cycling strategy and a wide range of  enhanced cycling provision, including:

  1. Increased investment of at least £10 per head of population.
  2. The development of Greenways across the region.
  3. An Active Travel Act to incorporate cycling into land use planning and new development.

“We will proactively work with others to make the above promises a reality.”

Maurice Bradley DUP ? ? ?
Aaron Callan UUP YES YES YES
Comments: “In answer to your three questions I would be a big yes. I am very supportive of investment in our cycling revolution. In fact as a Councillor I have been supportive of seeing the development of a Limavady-Dungiven greenway. I hope we can see the further investment that is required for this area as it has a huge benefit for Northern Ireland.”
Stuart Canning Conservatives ? ? ?
Tor Christie Independent ? ? ?
Amber Hammill Greens YES YES YES
Comments: “Yes!

“I have been a cyclist since my early 20s and I fully support evidence-based measures to improve access to and safety of cycling in Northern Ireland. Cycling and other forms of sustainable transport are good for individuals and communities and the Green Party is committed to investing in promoting them.

  1. Investment: Yes. The Green Party pledges in it’s manifesto to support a £25 per head of population investment, in line with the European standard as supported by the European Cyclists Forum
  2. Greenways: Yes. The development of the Comber Greenway, for example, has been a great boost to those communities who are able to access it and we’d like to see this success shared elsewhere.
  3. Legislation: Yes, absolutely. We need to see a move away from a car based infrastructure and lifestyle towards healthier and more public options, by encouraging people to live in cycle and walking friendly environments.”
David Harding Conservatives ? ? ?
William McCandless UUP ? ? ?
Adrian McQuillan DUP ? ? ?
Gerry Mullan SDLP ? ? ?
Cathal Ó hOisín Sinn Féin YES YES YES
Comments: “I believe there should be greater investment in cycling provision including widening the cycle to work scheme, creation of greenways particularly along disused railway tracks and cycle lanes being incorporated in design and build road schemes.”
Steven Parkhill UKIP YES YES YES
Comments: “It’s time to pedal forward! Opting to walk or cycle has huge benefits, for our people’s health and well-being. Research also shows it has immense benefits to our environment, and economy. I fully support investment in cycling and fully support the development of traffic-free greenways across the country, this will be a strong boost to tourism, and the health of our nation!”
George Robinson DUP ? ? ?
Claire Sugden Independent YES YES YES
Comments: “Cycling in Northern Ireland and specifically in my constituency has become very popular.  A number of cycling clubs in the area have grown significantly, which is fantastic for community cohesion and health and well-being.

“Reflecting on the benefits of cycling as well as it’s popularity amongst my constituents, I am more than happy to support Northern Ireland’s Bicycle strategy and the three policy objectives outlined above should I get elected in May.”

Russell Watton PUP ? ? ?

DUP – Democratic Unionist Party
PUP – Progressive Unionist Party
SDLP – Social Democratic and Labour Party
TUV – Traditional Unionist Voice
UKIP – United Kingdom Independence Party
UUP – Ulster Unionist Party

If you’re a candidate and would like to share your views on our questions to make Northern Ireland a better place for cycling, then we want to hear from you. Please email us at nigreenways@gmail.com and we’ll update this page as soon as possible.


Election Cycle 2016 is a joint effort by the good people at:

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