
My Bicycle #2 | Jonathan Gaston

My Bicycle #3 | Jonathan Gaston

The Belfast Bicycle Workshop | Mutiny Filmhouse

Rose Petals on the Path | Kuba Swiderek

Fellow Bicycle Co. | Fellow Bicycle Co.

What is Critical Mass? | NVTV

A Cycle Through Belfast | Ellen Murray

Cycling Black Mountain Belfast | Ryan Mercer

Fellow Night Ride | Adam McAteer

Reclaim Belfast’s Cycle Lanes 1 | NI Greenways

Reclaim Belfast’s Cycle Lanes 2 | NI Greenways

Reclaim Belfast’s Cycle Lanes comparison | NI Greenways

Bikefast City Hall Protest | ViewMediaNI

Mateusz Gwiazdowski BMX edit | Nathan Moore

Monster Mash All-Ireland bike jam |

Urban redevelopment

Belfast Streets Ahead (Aecom)

Belfast Bikes

Belfast Cycle City

Bike hire scheme for Belfast by Ricky Thompson

Belfast Bikes with CityBeat

Ciclovia Belfast

Ricky Thompson reports: Ciclovia in Belfast

Route summary (offical)

Launch event (official)

Review (official)

Of Streets and People (Jonathan Gaston)

Alan Dodridge

Castlereagh CC

Northern Ireland Greenways

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