
Guest & opinion articles

Sun, Cycle, Study…

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Kelly Hargie on little adventures by bicycle: “While cycling by the river, looking in one direction I could see the Belfast hills in the distance, the famous Harland and Wolff cranes and the taller buildings in the town centre and yet I was still connecting with nature.”

Guest & opinion articles

Cycling in the city with kids

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“It is a dream of mine to see more and more families out cycling together in Belfast and for more and more cycle paths to be introduced across the city. In the meantime I plan to make the most of the cycle routes that are already in place.”

Guest & opinion articles

Family Adventure: Dutch Style

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A Belfast family take a short break to the rural heart of The Netherlands and on their travels are amazed by the everyday nature of cycling in towns and cities.

Guest & opinion articles

Alfred St – Upper Arthur St Cycle Path

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NI Cycles takes a closer look at the developing city centre cycle track with a few aspect causing concern – from bollard placement to junction protection and priority measures.

Guest & opinion articles

Road Signs – Relevant and helpful…

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NI Cycles take a driver’s approach to cycling along Laganside in the centre of Belfast – by observing the signage – and is left more than a little confused.
