Belfast South Election Cycle 2017

When you go to vote on Thursday 2nd March 2017 in Belfast South cycling might not be your top priority, but where candidates stand might have a bearing on where you place your preferences. We contacted all of the candidates standing for election to the Northern Ireland Assembly – below you can see if they responded and what they think of our ask:

Will you commit to invest at least £10 per head of population on cycling measures and pledge to support and build upon the urban and rural cycling strategies launched since August 2015?

Clare Bailey (Green)

“Cycling is a great way of getting about and helps us keep fit and healthy. The Green Party NI would like to see improvements to our transport infrastructure, with better cycle paths to encourage more people to cycle. Just like last year, we are committed to the pledge to spend at least £10 per head of the population on cycling strategies and improving the cycling network.”

Paula Bradshaw (Alliance)

“Yes, I and my colleagues are strong supporters both of the strategies and of a re-assessment of transport spending in favour of cycling and public transport. So count us all in! :)”

Sean Burns (CCLA)

“I would like to pledge support for this initiative and for proper infrastructure for cycling.”

Naomh Gallagher (SDLP)

“As a keen cyclist myself I’m very happy to confirm my commitment to this.”

Claire Hanna (SDLP)

“Yes to all 3!”

Michael Henderson (UUP)

No response so far.

John Hiddleston (TUV)

No response so far.

George Jabbour (Conservatives)

No response so far.

Lily Kerr (Workers Party)

“We are delighted to be able to support the three initiatives you propose and agree that their full implementation can make a significant difference to health, the environment and the economy.

“As Workers Party candidates we are fully committed to a safer, healthier environment, a healthier population and to alternative forms of travel and leisure opportunities.

“The ‘Investment, Greenways and Legislation’ strategy will require not just the commitment of individual candidates but inclusion in the next Programme for Government and a public commitment to joined up implementation across a number of Executive departments and a robust and innovative approach to funding and development

“We are happy to give a commitment that we would work towards those ends.”

Emma Little Pengelly (DUP)

No response so far.

Emmet McDonough-Brown (Alliance)

“An enthusiastic, pedal-powered YES!”

Pádraigín Mervyn (PBPA)

“Yes we agree to commit.”

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir (Sinn Féin)

“Sign me up for your cycling manifesto. I founded Ciclovia Belfast and I want it expanded.”

Christopher Stalford (DUP)

No response so far.

Read more about Election Cycle 2017.

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