Election Cycle 2017
It’s election time! Again! Yes as much fun as the 2016 Northern Ireland Assembly Election was, we’re doing it all again in 2017. And cycling will continue to be a major part of the policy vision when ‘normal’ politics resumes in Northern Ireland.
For our sins we’ve decided to ask all candidates standing in our 18 constituencies (again!) what they think about cycling as a policy priority – and then we’ll publish their responses in the lead up to the election on March 2nd 2017 so that you can decide who knows what when it comes to everyday cycling when you cast your vote.
We’ve simplified it a little but candidates will need to consider last year’s three asks when they answer Election Cycle 2017’s single question:
Will you commit to invest at least £10 per head of population on cycling measures and pledge to support and build upon the urban and rural cycling strategies launched since August 2015?
Last year Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow in his role as President of Cycling UK, and on behalf of Northern Ireland Greenways and Bikefast, asked all Northern Ireland Assembly Election candidates for their views on these three simple cycling policy asks:
1. Investment. Do you support funding for cycling in Northern Ireland of at least £10 per head of population, so as to encourage safer cycling conditions and see more people start cycling?
2. Greenways. Do you support the Greenways Strategy and the development of traffic-free greenways across the country to boost rural regeneration and tourism?
3. Legislation. Do you support the introduction of an Active Travel Act to incorporate cycling and walking provision into land-use planning and new developments?

Jon Snow at the Get Britain Cycling Inquiry
You can read more about the good reasons for investing in cycling post-election in the Bikefast election manifesto.
If you want cycling to continue to be placed at the heart of transport policy, demand that your candidate backs the 2017 Election Cycle campaign.
What do your candidates think in 2017?
You can now see the individual responses of candidates by constituency area to help you consider your voting preference on election day:
We will be updating these pages right up until midnight at the start of election day, so keep checking back!
In 2016 the response was amazing..
The party contest was hotly contested right to the end..
And there was an overwhelming endorsement for the three aims..
Looking at the balance of the 77 returned MLAs who backed @jonsnowC4's 3 Election Cycle asks https://t.co/ClSacZmF6H pic.twitter.com/h05gy57YaI
— NI Greenways (@nigreenways) May 9, 2016
Election Cycle 2017 is a joint effort with Bikefast by the good people at:
If you’re a candidate and would like to share your views on our questions to make Northern Ireland a better place for cycling, then we want to hear from you. Please email us at nigreenways@gmail.com and we’ll update our Election Cycle pages as soon as possible.