Foyle Election Cycle 2017

When you go to vote on Thursday 2nd March 2017 in Foyle cycling might not be your top priority, but where candidates stand might have a bearing on where you place your preferences. We contacted all of the candidates standing for election to the Northern Ireland Assembly – below you can see if they responded and what they think of our ask:

Will you commit to invest at least £10 per head of population on cycling measures and pledge to support and build upon the urban and rural cycling strategies launched since August 2015?

Colm Cavanagh (Alliance)

“I am completely sympathetic to your 3 aims: Greenways, Legislation and Investment. But I am unable at this stage to make a commitment to the third aim – the financial commitment you suggest (at least £10 per head of population on cycling measures). As you will appreciate, this must depends on eventual budgetary opportunities and constraints.

“But I repeat my sympathy for your proposals and will be happy to “support and build upon the urban and rural cycling strategies launched since August 2015?”‘

John Lindsay (CISTA)

No response so far.

Stuart Canning (Conservatives)

“I am, in principle, committed to improving our cycle network and cycling provisions across the province as well as a particular focus here in Foyle. My difficulty with this pledge is that I am ideologically opposed to setting arbitrary targets for spending on specific issues. If we can get a healthy combination of private investment and public funding that allows us to do as much as possible per pound spent then I’d be happier than spending a minimum amount per head that may end up resulting in wasteful spending just to meet said target. I hope this answers your question.”

Gary Middleton (DUP)

No response so far.

Shannon Downey (Green)

“Yes I will. Our current party policy which can be found in our 2017 Assembly Election Manifesto actually pledges to commit £25 per head of population on cycling measures.”

Arthur McGuinness (Independent)

No response so far.

Eamonn McCann (PBPA)

“Yes we agree to commit.”

Mark H Durkan (SDLP)

“Happy to make that commitment.”

Colum Eastwood (SDLP)

“Happy to support (obviously budget permitting).”

Elisha McCallion (Sinn Féin)

“I support the election cycle and investment in cycling infrastructure.”

Raymond McCartney (Sinn Féin)

“I support your campaign.”

Julia Kee (UUP)

No response so far.

Read more about Election Cycle 2017.

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