North Antrim Election Cycle 2017

When you go to vote on Thursday 2nd March 2017 in North Antrim cycling might not be your top priority, but where candidates stand might have a bearing on where you place your preferences. We contacted all of the candidates standing for election to the Northern Ireland Assembly – below you can see if they responded and what they think of our ask:

Will you commit to invest at least £10 per head of population on cycling measures and pledge to support and build upon the urban and rural cycling strategies launched since August 2015?

Jim Allister (TUV)

No response so far.

Mark Bailey (Green)

“The Green Party is strongly in favour of encouraging both cycling and walking.

“Our Manifesto commits us to:

  • Rebalance transport spending towards public transport and active travel, such as cycling and walking.
  • Encourage cycling by supporting moves to expand greenways.
  • Increase spending on cycle infrastructure throughout Northern Ireland to the value of £25 per person.
  • Introduce a module on awareness of cyclists and pedestrians as part of the driving test.
  • Allow contra-flow cycling in specifically signed, one-way streets with low volumes of traffic, as is the norm in most European cities.”

Monica Digney (Independent)

No response so far.

Connor Duncan (SDLP)

“I am happy to answer yes to all 3 of your questions. Pleased to support NI Greenways this year again.”

Paul Frew (DUP)

No response so far.

Timothy Gaston (TUV)

No response so far.

Phillip Logan (DUP)

“The DUP is supportive of a cycling strategy in Northern Ireland, and recognises the social health, physical and mental, benefits that cycling brings. Our MLAs have previously been centrally involved in developing such a strategy and this is another example why devolution should be reestablished rapidly after the forthcoming election.

DUP Ministers are willing to consider how cycling can be best facilitated within their portfolios. Investment will be based both on what funding is available and on the basis of what is needed to implement any strategy agreed with stakeholders.”

Adam McBride (Independent)

No response so far.

Philip McGuigan (Sinn Féin)

“I am a competitive cyclist. I would on average cycle 8 to 10k miles each year and am acutely aware of the issues facing cyclists here in the North. I am very supportive of the Greenways initiative and have met and lobbied the two councils within my Constituency to progress local Greenways.

“I have also had a number of meetings with the DFI Cycle Unit, Cycling Ulster, the PSNI to discuss safety issues for cyclists using the roads.”

Patricia O’Lynn (Alliance)

“Alliance is also a vocal advocate of promoting cycling and walking. We believe that there are significant environmental and health benefits to enabling people to undertake short journeys by foot or by bike. The main problem with this is safety and, therefore, the need to rebalance the amount of cycling provision we have on our roads. In order to facilitate this, we will:

  • Develop an Active Travel Bill to promote cycling and walking.
  • Fully implement the 25-year Cycling Strategy, with appropriate investment
  • Adopt sustainable travel plans to make it easier for cyclists and walkers to get about town. We will especially promote safe cycle routes with bicycle storage and suitable pavements with road crossings to encourage walking.
  • Create a cycling and walking ‘greenway’ network across Northern Ireland.Work with schools to promote active travel to and from school.”

Mervyn Storey (DUP)

No response so far.

Robin Swann (UUP)

“Pleased to support your campaign as I did in #AE16.”

Read more about Election Cycle 2017.

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