North Down Election Cycle 2017

When you go to vote on Thursday 2nd March 2017 in North Down cycling might not be your top priority, but where candidates stand might have a bearing on where you place your preferences. We contacted all of the candidates standing for election to the Northern Ireland Assembly – below you can see if they responded and what they think of our ask:

Will you commit to invest at least £10 per head of population on cycling measures and pledge to support and build upon the urban and rural cycling strategies launched since August 2015?

Steven Agnew (Green)

“The Green Party pledge to spend £25 per head of population on cycling to improve infrastructure in Northern Ireland.”

Chris Carter (Independent)

“As a cyclist myself I do have on the odd occasion to have the use of my bike. I know full well I should actually make use of same much more, but sometimes I feel a bit lazy. For more and more of us to cycle can only be a good thing as it does wonders for your system as in your health and is invigorating to say the least.

“For you sir to ask me of £10 per head of population is ridiculous as not every member of the population would partake in bicycling but that is not say that if elected I would not be willing to advance your good healthy cause for our people. I think you are quite right to advance this cause of cycling in your quest to advance the health of the country and would applaud you for same. Thereby if elected I will certainly be proposing an amount to made available to urban and rural cycling strategies after the strictest of vetting has taken place of course.

“Finally as I am sure you realise, especially if you have read my Blueprint for our Essential Services in Northern Ireland, which at this time I’m sure you understand is in more of a greater need to be resolved. Thereafter what I am saying to you could then take place.”

Alan Chambers (UUP)

“No problem in adding my support.”

William Cudworth (UUP)

No response so far.

Gordon Dunne (DUP)

“I am happy to pledge my support to encouraging cycling and for further investment in our Greenways.

Cycling is a fantastic way to exercise and is an excellent way of travelling as well as a healthy way and I know the value of cycling. In North Down we have a number of spectacular routes for cyclists.”

Alex Easton (DUP)

No response so far.

Stephen Farry (Alliance)

“Yes, you can add my name.”

Melanie Kennedy (Independent)

No response so far.

Kieran Maxwell (Sinn Féin)

“I can confirm that Sinn Féin supports your 3 key asks as detailed below:

  • Investment: Sinn Féin supports funding for cycling of at least £10 per head of population, so as to encourage safer cycling conditions and see more people start cycling
  • Greenways: Sinn Féin supports the Greenways Strategy and the development of traffic-free greenways across the country to boost rural regeneration and tourism.
  • Legislation: Sinn Féin supports the introduction of an Active Travel Act to incorporate cycling and walking provision into land-use planning and new developments.

“Post-election I look forward to continuing to work with you and your colleagues as we seek to emphasise the health and social benefits of cycling.”

Caoimhe McNeill (SDLP)

“Congrats on your great campaign, delighted to see an organisation like yourselves pushing such an important issue! I of course am delighted to be able to pledge my support to your asks for the assembly elections.”

Gavan Reynolds (Independent)

No response so far.

Frank Shivers (Conservatives)

No response so far.

Read more about Election Cycle 2017.

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