Join the grand opening of Belfast’s new cycleway

Fancy joining Regional Development Minister Michelle McIlveen for a cycle down the Bin Lane? Well here’s your big chance tomorrow!


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Fancy joining Regional Development Minister Michelle McIlveen for a cycle down the Bin Lane? Well here’s your big chance tomorrow!


From our friends in the DRD Cycling Unit:

“The Alfred Street – Upper Arthur Street cycleway will be substantially complete by tomorrow lunchtime, bar a bit of lining, green paint and monitoring of issues.

Is anyone interested in a mass ride to enjoy our new lane? The Minster will officially open the new cycle lane tomorrow at 12:15pm. Meet us at the Ormeau Avenue entrance to Alfred Street just before then.

See you there!”

Give it a go – it’s always nice to get publicity shots of new cycling infrastructure with lots of people enjoying it. If you don’t have your own bicycle with you, get on a Belfast Bike.

The Cycling Unit will no doubt be in attendance and open to your feedback about how the cycle lane is developing – go easy on them 😉

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