Category: News


Dublin Road cycleway tales – the Translink twist

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Government-owned public transport company, which is “fully committed to active and sustainable travel”, and reported it held no information on the Dublin Road cycleway, has been lobbying for months for the “immediate removal of pop-up cycle lanes”


Dublin Road cycleway tales – Translink

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What position does Translink hold on the Dublin Road cycleway? Our information request reveals..


The Devil’s in the detail

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A reluctance to capture and share fine-grained active travel data suits the culture of inertia at the Department for Infrastructure



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On 5 May 2020 Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon made a statement in the Northern Ireland Assembly on reimagining the places we live and work in light …


Shared past, shared present.. shared future?

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How the Department for Infrastructure has prioritised substandard shared walking / cycling schemes since 2016, against policy and design guidance


Launch of pop-up motorway angers greenway users

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The Department for Infrastructure’s programme of pop-up motorways has been met with anger by users of the popular Comber Greenway. As part of COVID-19 lockdown measures …


Nightmare on East Bridge Street comes true

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A realignment of traffic flow on a key route from East Belfast to the city centre has created significant additional risk and a barrier to people …


Local MLAs call for Gasworks Bridge progress

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A cross-party group of Assembly Members in South Belfast have come together to call for work to begin on constructing a new foot and cycle bridge …


Department for Infrastructure commits £12.5 million on urban cycling networks and greenways for 2019-20

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More fool you if believed the Department for Infrastructure was capable of simple, straightforward progress on cycling.   Actually doing things they should be doing today. …


City centre cycleway wand issue – some tweets, images and videos

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This is Alfred St right now. We're meeting @deptinfra this week about stopping this. @deptinfra has refused to acknowledge a problem exists or that a solution …
